Meghan Markles former friend Ninaki Priddy sold her out to the Daily Mail

Posted by Gladis Harcrow on Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle visit the Nottingham Academy school in Nottingham, England

Here are some additional photos of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry in Nottingham on Friday. These are the photos of Meghan inside certain events, so she took off that bulky navy coat. I understand the thought behind this ensemble – and she was apparently styled by her good friend, Jessica Mulroney – but I can’t say I really like this outfit. I find the combo of the fluted mid-length skirt with slouchy boots to be very unflattering. Considering Meghan has been in showbiz for a while, I would expect her have access to better stylists, and I will expect her to hire someone full-time to help out.

Speaking of Meghan and her friendships, one of her ex-friends sold her out in rather spectacular fashion. The former friend’s name is Ninaki Priddy. Priddy was Meghan’s maid of honor at her first wedding, to Trevor Engelson (the same guy who recently sold a TV pilot about an ex-wife who marries a prince). Priddy sold intimate photos of Meghan to the Daily Mail, and she gave an extensive interview to the Mail as well. You can see the photos here – they are the kind of candid shots most of us have with our friends (former or current): Meghan making faces on vacation, Meghan smiling with her ex, Meghan acting silly with friends. The kicker is that Priddy and Markle seemed to “break up” as friends several years back, when it sounds like Priddy took Trevor Engelson’s side in the divorce. It sounds like Priddy is half in love with Engelson, quite honestly. Here are some highlights:

Ninaki Priddy on Meghan’s wedding day: ‘Meg literally shone with happiness. We’d been like sisters since we were two years old, so I knew she’d always wanted to get married. To see her finally doing that was . . . well, it was a big deal. It was such a moving wedding. I started crying the moment I saw her in her dress. We had the ceremony on the beach. It was so beautiful to watch, beautiful to be a part of. They each wrote their own vows. They loved each other so much…. It was an exciting time. This was the man she wanted to have children with.’

What she says as she looks through the old photos which she sold to the DM: ‘The person I knew is not there any more. Meg used to tell me she couldn’t imagine a life without Trevor. She said if anything were to happen to him she wouldn’t be able to go on. He cherished her, too. You should have seen the way he used to hold her face in his hands. We all felt he was her eternal love. It was such a shock when she told me they were getting divorced. After about three seasons of Suits, she called me and said she wanted me to know because it was going to come out in the papers. I knew they fought sometimes, but it wasn’t anything huge. The only obstacle was the distance because she was living in Toronto and Trevor was based in LA. But I thought that they were manoeuvring through it as best they could. Trevor would take his work to Canada to be with her and run his office remotely. I wasn’t aware there were any problems in the marriage.’

Priddy took Trevor’s side: ‘I had to accept what she said, but then . . .’ Ninaki hesitates. She has loved Meghan dearly for most of her life and is not the sort of person to easily betray somebody. Choosing her words carefully, Ninaki says she no longer recognises the girl with whom she shared her childhood. More to the point, she feels desperately for Trevor, for whom the ignominy of seeing his former wife now lovestruck with her very own Prince Charming is almost too much to bear. He truly believed they would grow old together. ‘A month after the divorce, I wanted to see how Trevor was doing. We met and talked. It’s not up to me to speak for Trevor, but I know he was travelling to Toronto every few weeks and would have walked the earth to make their marriage work. I don’t believe she gave him enough of an opportunity. I think there was an element of “out of sight, out of mind” for Meghan. The way she handled it, Trevor definitely had the rug pulled out from under him. He was hurt.’

The friendship breakup: ‘I tried to get details from her, but she wouldn’t tell me. What came to light after Trevor and I spoke ended my friendship with Meghan. I think everybody who knew them both was in shock. All I can say now is that I think Meghan was calculated — very calculated — in the way she handled people and relationships. She is very strategic in the way she cultivates circles of friends. Once she decides you’re not part of her life, she can be very cold. It’s this shutdown mechanism she has. There’s nothing to negotiate. She’s made her decision and that’s it…Meg always wanted to be famous. She just loved to be the centre of attention. We used to imagine her receiving an Oscar. She used to practise announcing herself.’

[From The Daily Mail]

God, this is tacky. We’ve all had toxic friendships, and I believe most people have probably been toxic friends at various times of their lives too – I know I have been a toxic friend, and I’ve had toxic friendships too. Sometimes friends break up and it really is like a death, like a million times worse than a romantic split, and sometimes those breakups are a sweet relief, because you suddenly realize that your dear friend is a raging a–hole. What could have been a story about two childhood friends outgrowing each other became something very gross with this – Priddy comes across, to me, like someone jealous of Meghan’s life from start to finish. And come on – who does this? Who sells these kinds of photos to a British tabloid and gives a bitchy interview about someone you were close to for 31 years??

REVEALED: Meghan Markle revelations from the friend who knew her best

— Daily Mail Femail (@Femail) December 2, 2017

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle visit the Nottingham Academy school in Nottingham, England

Photos courtesy of Pacific Coast News.
