
Posted by Tisa Delillo on Monday, May 13, 2024

maximum - the greatest or highest amount possible or attained17 people over the maximum capacity

17 people over the maximum capacity Let the maximum capacity be c. We have: [B]c + 17[/B]

A bakery has a fixed cost of $119.75 per a day plus $2.25 for each pastry. The bakery would like to

A bakery has a fixed cost of $119.75 per a day plus $2.25 for each pastry. The bakery would like to keep its daily costs at or below $500 per day. Which inequality shows the maximum number of pastries, p, that can be baked each day. Set up the cost function C(p), where p is the number of pastries: C(p) = Variable Cost + Fixed Cost C(p) = 2.25p + 119.75 The problem asks for C(p) at or below $500 per day. The phrase [I]at or below[/I] means less than or equal to (<=). [B]2.25p + 119.75 <= 500[/B]

A certain species of fish costs $3.19 each. You can spend at most $35. How many of this type of f

A certain species of fish costs $3.19 each. You can spend at most $35. How many of this type of fish can you buy for your aquarium? Let the number of fish be f. We have the following inequality where "at most" means less than or equal to: 3.19f <= 35 [URL='']Typing this inequality into our search engine[/URL], we get: f <= 10.917 Since we need a whole number of fish, we can buy a maximum of [B]10 fish[/B].

A cheetah can maintain it's maximum speed of 28 m/s for 30 seconds. how far does it go in this amoun

A cheetah can maintain it's maximum speed of 28 m/s for 30 seconds. how far does it go in this amount of time? Distance = rate * time Distance = 28 m/s * 30 s Distance = [B]840m[/B]

A chicken farm produces ideally 700,000 eggs per day. But this total can vary by as many as 60,000 e

A chicken farm produces ideally 700,000 eggs per day. But this total can vary by as many as 60,000 eggs. What is the maximum and minimum expected production at the farm? [U]Calculate the maximum expected production:[/U] Maximum expected production = Average + variance Maximum expected production = 700,000 + 60,000 Maximum expected production = [B]760,000[/B] [U]Calculate the minimum expected production:[/U] Minimum expected production = Average - variance Minimum expected production = 700,000 - 60,000 Minimum expected production = [B]640,000[/B]

A cup of coffee cost $4 and a cup of tea cost $3.50. If ray has $40 and has bought 6 cups of coffee,

A cup of coffee cost $4 and a cup of tea cost $3.50. If ray has $40 and has bought 6 cups of coffee, find the maximum cups of tea he can buy [U]Calculate total coffee spend:[/U] Total coffee spend = Cost per Cup of Coffee * Cups of Coffee Total coffee spend = 4 * 6 Total coffee spend = 24 [U]Calculate remaining amount to be spent on tea:[/U] Remaining tea money = Starting Money - Total Coffee spend Remaining tea money = 40 - 24 Remaining tea money = 16 [U]Calculate cups of tea Ray can buy:[/U] Cups of tea Ray can buy = Remaining Tea money / Cost per cup of tea Cups of tea Ray can buy = 16/3.50 Cups of tea Ray can buy = 4.57142857143 Since Ray can't buy partial cups, we round down and we get: Cups of tea Ray can buy = [B]4[/B]

A family decides to rent a canoe for an entire day. The canoe rental rate is $50 for the first three

A family decides to rent a canoe for an entire day. The canoe rental rate is $50 for the first three hours and then 20$ for each additional hour. Suppose the family can spend $110 for the canoe rental. What is the maximum number of hours the family can rent the canoe? IF we subtract the $50 for the first 3 hours, we get: 110 - 50 = 60 remaining Each additional hour is 20, so the max number of hours we can rent the canoe is $60/20 = 3 hours additional plus the original 3 hours is [B]6 hours[/B]

A members-only speaker series allows people to join for $16 and then pay $1 for every event attended

A members-only speaker series allows people to join for $16 and then pay $1 for every event attended. What is the maximum number of events someone can attend for a total cost of $47? Subtract the join fee from the total cost: $47 - $16 = $31 Now divide this number by the cost per event: $31 / $1 = [B]31 events[/B]

A thermometer has a range of 1.5 degrees of the temperature, what is the maximum and minimum at 87.4

A thermometer has a range of 1.5 degrees of the temperature, what is the maximum and minimum at 87.4 degrees Range = Max - Min Divide this by 2 to get the lesser half and larger half: Half-Range = 1.5/2 Half-Range = 0.75 [U]Our Maximum temperature is:[/U] Max Temp = Current Temp + Half-Range Max Temp = 87.4 + 0.75 Max Temp = [B]88.15 [/B] [U]Our Minimum temperature is:[/U] Min Temp = Current Temp - Half-Range Min Temp = 87.4 - 0.75 Min Temp = [B][B]86.65[/B][/B]

Alonzo runs each lap in 4 minutes. He will run at most 32 minutes today. What are the possible numbe

Alonzo runs each lap in 4 minutes. He will run at most 32 minutes today. What are the possible numbers of laps he will run today? 32 minutes / 4 minutes per lap =[B] 8 laps maximum[/B]. He can also run less than 8 laps if his lap time gets slower.

An elevator can hold less than 2700 pounds of extra weight. If an average person weighs 150 pounds,

An elevator can hold less than 2700 pounds of extra weight. If an average person weighs 150 pounds, what is the maximum number of people (p) that can be on the elevator at one time? Total weight = average weight per person * Number of people Total weight = 150p We know from the problem that: 150p < 2700 We want to solve this inequality for p. Divide each side of the inequality by 150: 150p/150 < 2700/150 Cancel the 150's on the left side and we get: p < [B]18[/B]

An elevator can safely lift at most 4400 1bs. A concrete block has an average weight of 41 lbs. What

An elevator can safely lift at most 4400 1bs. A concrete block has an average weight of 41 lbs. What is the maximum number of concrete blocks that the elevator can lift? Total blocks liftable = Lift Max / Weight per block Total blocks liftable = 4400 / 41 Total blocks liftable = 107.31 We round down to whole blocks and we get [B]107[/B]

An elevator has a maximum weight of 3000 pounds. How many 150-pound people can safely ride the eleva

An elevator has a maximum weight of 3000 pounds. How many 150-pound people can safely ride the elevator? (Use "p" to represent the number of people) Maximum means less than or equal to. We have the inequality: 150p <= 3000 To solve this inequality for p, we [URL='']type it in our search engine[/URL] and we get: [B]p <= 20[/B]

An organic juice bottler ideally produces 215,000 bottle per day. But this total can vary by as much

An organic juice bottler ideally produces 215,000 bottle per day. But this total can vary by as much as 7,500 bottles. What is the maximum and minimum expected production at the bottling company? Our production amount p is found by adding and subtracting our variance amount: 215,000 - 7,500 <= p <= 215,000 + 7,500 [B](min) 207,500 <= p <=222,500 (max)[/B]

Carmen has $30 in store bucks and a 25% discount coupon for a local department store. What maximum d

Carmen has $30 in store bucks and a 25% discount coupon for a local department store. What maximum dollar amount can Carmen purchase so that after her store bucks and discount are applied, her total is no more than $60 before sales tax Let the original price be p. p Apply 25% discount first, which is the same as subtracting 0.25: p(1 - 0.25) Subtract 30 for in store buck p(1 - 0.25) - 30 The phrase [I]no more than[/I] means an inequality using less than or equal to: p(1 - 0.25) - 30 <= 60 To solve this inequality for p, we [URL='']type it in our math engine[/URL] and we get: [B]p <= 120[/B]

Change Counting

Free Change Counting Calculator - This shows you how to make change using the least amount of bills/coins by taking a bill amount and a cash tendered amount from a customer and figuring out the fastest way to make change. Maximum denomination is $100

Comparison of Numbers

Free Comparison of Numbers Calculator - Compares two numbers and checks to see if they are equal to one another, if the first number is greater than the second number, or the first number is less than the second number. Minimum and maximum.

Craig went bowling with $25 to spend. He rented shoes for $5.25 and paid $4.00 for each game. What w

Craig went bowling with $25 to spend. He rented shoes for $5.25 and paid $4.00 for each game. What was the greatest number of games Craig could have played? Set up the cost function C(g) where g is the number of games Craig plays: C(g) = Game fee * number of games (g) + shoe rental fee C(g) = 4g + 5.25 The problem asks for the maximum number of games Craig can play for $25. So we want an inequality of [I]less than or equal to[/I]. 4g + 5.25 <= 25 [URL='']Type this inequality into our search engine[/URL], and we get: g <= 4.9375 We want exact games, so we round this down to [B]4 games[/B].

DeAndre is a spelunker (someone who explores caves). One day DeAndre is exploring a cave that has a

DeAndre is a spelunker (someone who explores caves). One day DeAndre is exploring a cave that has a series of ladders going down into the depths. Every ladder is exactly 10 feet tall, and there is no other way to descend or ascend (the other paths in the cave are flat). DeAndre starts at 186 feet in altitude, and reaches a maximum depth of 86 feet in altitude.Write an equation for DeAndre's altitude, using x to represent the number of ladders DeAndre used (hint: a ladder takes DeAndre down in altitude, so the coefficient should be negative). Set up a function A(x) for altitude, where x is the number of ladders used. Each ladder takes DeAndre down 10 feet, so this would be -10x. And DeAndre starts at 186 feet, so we'd have: [B]A(x) = 186 - 10x[/B]

Edna plans to treat her boyfriend Curt to dinner for his birthday. The costs of their date options a

Edna plans to treat her boyfriend Curt to dinner for his birthday. The costs of their date options are listed next to each possible choice. Edna plans to allow Curt to choose whether they will eat Mexican food ($25), Chinese food ($15), or Italian food ($30). Next, they will go bowling ($20), go to the movies ($30) or go to a museum ($10). Edna also is deciding between a new wallet ($12) and a cell phone case ($20) as possible gift options for Curt. What is the maximum cost of this date? Edna has 3 phases of the date: [LIST=1] [*]Dinner [*]Event after dinner [*]Gift Option [/LIST] In order to calculate the maximum cost of the date, we take the maximum cost option of all 3 date phases: [LIST=1] [*]Dinner - Max price is Italian food at $30 [*]Event after dinner - Max price is movies at $30 [*]Gift Option - Max price option is the cell phone cast at $20 [/LIST] Add all those up, we get: $30 + $30 + $20 = [B]$80[/B]

Hope it's okay to ask this here?

A candy vendor analyzes his sales records and ?nds that if he sells x candy bars in one day, his pro?t(in dollars) is given byP(x) = ? 0.001x2 + 3x ? 1800 (a.) Explain the signi?cance of the number 1800 to the vendor. (b.) What is the maximum pro?t he can make in one day, and how many candy bars must he sell to achieve it? I got 1800 as the amount he starts with, and can't go over. maximum pro?t as 4950 and if I got that right I am getting stuck on how to find how many candy bars. Thanks

Hope it's okay to ask this here?

a) 1800 is the cost to run the business for a day. To clarify, when you plug in x = 0 for 0 candy bars sold, you are left with -1,800, which is the cost of doing business for one day. b) Maximum profit is found by taking the derivative of the profit equation and setting it equal to 0. P'(x) = -0.002x + 3 With P'(x) = 0, we get: -0.002x + 3 = 0 Using our [URL='']equation solver[/URL], we get: x = 1,500 To get maximum profit, we plug in x = 1,500 to our [I]original profit equation[/I] P(1,500) = ? 0.001(1,500)^2 + 3(1,500) ? 1800 P(1,500) = -2,250 + 4,500 - 1,800 P(1,500) = $[B]450[/B]

If 800 feet of fencing is available, find the maximum area that can be enclosed.

If 800 feet of fencing is available, find the maximum area that can be enclosed. Perimeter of a rectangle is: 2l + 2w = P However, we're given one side (length) is bordered by the river and the fence length is 800, so we have: So we have l + 2w = 800 Rearranging in terms of l, we have: l = 800 - 2w The Area of a rectangle is: A = lw Plug in the value for l in the perimeter into this: A = (800 - 2w)w A = 800w - 2w^2 Take the [URL='']first derivative[/URL]: A' = 800 - 4w Now set this equal to 0 for maximum points: 4w = 800 [URL='']Typing this equation into the search engine[/URL], we get: w = 200 Now plug this into our perimeter equation: l = 800 - 2(200) l = 800 - 400 l = 400 The maximum area to be enclosed is; A = lw A = 400(200) A = [B]80,000 square feet[/B]

If the max time that John can spend on Client A ($20/hr) in one week is 32 hours, and the min time i

If the max time that John can spend on Client A ($20/hr) in one week is 32 hours, and the min time is 8 hours, while the max time on Client B ($14/hr) is 8 hours and the min 5 hours, what is the RANGE (max, min) of total pay he can earn in one week (40 hours) [LIST] [*]Client A Minimum = 20 x 8 hours = $160 [*]Client A Maximum = 20 x 32 hours = $640 [*]Client B Minimum = 14 x 5 hours = $70 [*]Client B Maximum = 14 x 8 hours = $112 [/LIST] [U]The Total Maximum Pay is found by adding Client A Maximum and Client B Maximum[/U] Total Maximum = Client A Maximum + Client B Maximum Total Maximum = 640 + 112 Total Maximum = 752 [U]The Total Minimum Pay is found by adding Client A Minimum and Client B Minimum[/U] Total Minimum = Client A Minimum + Client B Minimum Total Minimum = 160 + 70 Total Minimum = 230 [U]The Range is the difference between the Total maximum and the Total minimum[/U] Range(Total Maximum, Total Minimum) = Total Maximum - Total Minimum Range(752, 230) = 752 - 230 Range(752, 230) = [B]522[/B]

Julie has $300 to plan a dance. There is a one-time fee of $75 to reserve a room. It also costs $1.5

Julie has $300 to plan a dance. There is a one-time fee of $75 to reserve a room. It also costs $1.50 per person for food and drinks. What is the maximum number of people that can come to the dance? Let each person be p. We have the following relationship for cost: 1.50p + 75 <=300 We use the <= sign since we cannot go over the $300 budget. [URL='']We type this inequality into our search engine[/URL], and we get: p <= 150 Since we have the equal sign within the inequality, the maximum number of people that can come to the dance is [B]150.[/B]

Julie has $48 to spend at a carnival. The carnival charges $8 for admission and $5 per ride. What is

Julie has $48 to spend at a carnival. The carnival charges $8 for admission and $5 per ride. What is the maximum number of rides Julie can go on? Subtract admission charges, since that money is gone: $48 - $8 = $40 left over If rides cost $5, we can go on $40/$5 = [B]8 rides[/B] maximum.

Keith is going to Renaissance Festival with $120 to pay for his admission, food and the cost of game

Keith is going to Renaissance Festival with $120 to pay for his admission, food and the cost of games. He spends a total of $85 on admission and food. Games cost $5 each. Which inequality models the maximum number of games Keith can play. Let the number of games be g. Keith can spend less than or equal to 120. So we have [B]5g + 85 <= 120 [/B] If we want to solve the inequality for g, we [URL='']type it in our search engine[/URL] and we have: g <= 7

Mrs. Taylor is making identical costumes for the dancers in the dance club. She uses 126 pink ribbon

Mrs. Taylor is making identical costumes for the dancers in the dance club. She uses 126 pink ribbons and 108 yellow ribbons. a) What is the maximum possible number of costumes she can make? b) How many pink and how many yellow ribbons are on each costume? a), we want the greatest common factor (GCF) of 108 and 126. [URL='']Using our GCF calculator[/URL] we get: [B]a) 18 costumes [/B] b) Pink Ribbons per costume = Total Pink Ribbons / GCF in question a Pink Ribbons per costume = 126/18 Pink Ribbons per costume = [B]7[/B] [B][/B] Yellow Ribbons per costume = Total Yellow Ribbons / GCF in question a Yellow Ribbons per costume = 108/18 Yellow Ribbons per costume = [B]6[/B]

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sum of 3 consecutive odd integers equals 1 hundred 17

sum of 3 consecutive odd integers equals 1 hundred 17 The sum of 3 consecutive odd numbers equals 117. What are the 3 odd numbers? 1) Set up an equation where our [I]odd numbers[/I] are n, n + 2, n + 4 2) We increment by 2 for each number since we have [I]odd numbers[/I]. 3) We set this sum of consecutive [I]odd numbers[/I] equal to 117 n + (n + 2) + (n + 4) = 117 [SIZE=5][B]Simplify this equation by grouping variables and constants together:[/B][/SIZE] (n + n + n) + 2 + 4 = 117 3n + 6 = 117 [SIZE=5][B]Subtract 6 from each side to isolate 3n:[/B][/SIZE] 3n + 6 - 6 = 117 - 6 [SIZE=5][B]Cancel the 6 on the left side and we get:[/B][/SIZE] 3n + [S]6[/S] - [S]6[/S] = 117 - 6 3n = 111 [SIZE=5][B]Divide each side of the equation by 3 to isolate n:[/B][/SIZE] 3n/3 = 111/3 [SIZE=5][B]Cancel the 3 on the left side:[/B][/SIZE] [S]3[/S]n/[S]3 [/S]= 111/3 n = 37 Call this n1, so we find our other 2 numbers n2 = n1 + 2 n2 = 37 + 2 n2 = 39 n3 = n2 + 2 n3 = 39 + 2 n3 = 41 [SIZE=5][B]List out the 3 consecutive odd numbers[/B][/SIZE] ([B]37, 39, 41[/B]) 37 ? 1st number, or the Smallest, Minimum, Least Value 39 ? 2nd number 41 ? 3rd or the Largest, Maximum, Highest Value

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Anaerobic Zone (Performance Training) 80 - 90%
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The auditorium can hold a maximum of 150 people

The auditorium can hold a maximum of 150 people We want an inequality for the number of people (p) in the auditorium. The word [I]maximum[/I] means [I]no more than[/I] or [I]less than or equal to[/I]. So we have: [B]p <= 150[/B]

The cost of a taxi ride is $1.2 for the first mile and $0.85 for each additional mile or part thereo

The cost of a taxi ride is $1.2 for the first mile and $0.85 for each additional mile or part thereof. Find the maximum distance we can ride if we have $20.75. We set up the cost function C(m) where m is the number of miles: C(m) = Cost per mile after first mile * m + Cost of first mile C(m) = 0.8(m - 1) + 1.2 C(m) = 0.8m - 0.8 + 1.2 C(m) = 0.8m - 0.4 We want to know m when C(m) = 20.75 0.8m - 0.4 = 20.75 [URL='']Typing this equation into our math engine[/URL], we get: m = 26.4375 The maximum distance we can ride in full miles is [B]26 miles[/B]

The cost to rent a construction crane is 450 per day plus 150 per hour. What is the maximum number o

The cost to rent a construction crane is 450 per day plus 150 per hour. What is the maximum number of hours the crane can be used each day if the rental cost is not to exceed 1650 per day? Set up the cost function where h is the number of hours: C(h) = 150h + 450 We want C(h) <= 1650: 150h + 450 <= 1650 Using our [URL='']equation/inequality solver[/URL], we get: [B]h <= 8[/B]

the fuel tank of a jet used gas at a constant rate of 300 gallons for each hour of flight. the tank

the fuel tank of a jet used gas at a constant rate of 300 gallons for each hour of flight. the tank can hold a maximum of 2400 gallons of gas. write an equation representing the amount of fuel left in the tank as a function of the number of hours spent flying. We have an equation F(h) where h is the number of hours since the flight took off: [B]F(h) = 2400 - 300h[/B]

The function f(x) = x^3 - 48x has a local minimum at x = and a local maximum at x = ?

The function f(x) = x^3 - 48x has a local minimum at x = and a local maximum at x = ? f'(x) = 3x^2 - 48 Set this equal to 0: 3x^2 - 48 = 0 Add 48 to each side: 3x^2 = 48 Divide each side by 3: x^2 = 16 Therefore, x = -4, 4 Test f(4) f(4) = 4^3 - 48(4) f(4) = 64 - 192 f(4) = [B]-128 <-- Local minimum[/B] Test f(-4) f(-4) = -4^3 - 48(-4) f(-4) = -64 + 192 f(-4) = [B]128 <-- Local maximum[/B]

The function P(x) = -30x^2 + 360x + 785 models the profit, P(x), earned by a theatre owner on the ba

The function P(x) = -30x^2 + 360x + 785 models the profit, P(x), earned by a theatre owner on the basis of a ticket price, x. Both the profit and the ticket price are in dollars. What is the maximum profit, and how much should the tickets cost? Take the [URL='']derivative of the profit function[/URL]: P'(x) = -60x + 360 We find the maximum when we set the profit derivative equal to 0 -60x + 360 = 0 Subtract 360 from both sides: -60x = -360 Divide each side by -60 [B]x = 6 <-- This is the ticket price to maximize profit[/B] Substitute x = 6 into the profit equation: P(6) = -30(6)^2 + 360(6) + 785 P(6) = -1080 + 2160 + 785 [B]P(6) = 1865[/B]

There are 5 pencil-cases on the desk. Each pencil-case contains at least 10 pencils, but not more th

[SIZE=4]There are 5 pencil-cases on the desk. Each pencil-case contains at least 10 pencils, but not more than 14 pencils. Which of the following could be the total number of pencils in all 5 cases? A) 35 B) 45 C) 65 D) 75 [U]Determine the minimum amount of pencils (At least means greater than or equal to):[/U] Minimum Amount of pencils = Cases * Min Quantity Minimum Amount of pencils = 5 * 10 Minimum Amount of pencils = 50 [SIZE=4][U]Determine the maximum amount of pencils (Not more than means less than or equal to):[/U] Maximum Amount of pencils = Cases * Min Quantity Maximum Amount of pencils = 5 * 14 Maximum Amount of pencils = 70[/SIZE] So our range of pencils (p) is: 50 <= p <= 70 Now take a look at our answer choices. The only answer which fits in this inequality range is [B]C, 65[/B]. [B][/B][/SIZE]

There are 72 boys and 90 girls on the Math team For the next math competition Mr Johnson would like

There are 72 boys and 90 girls on the Math team For the next math competition Mr Johnson would like to arrange all of the students in equal rows with only girls or boys in each row with only girls or boys in each row. What is the greatest number of students that can be put in each row? To find the maximum number (n) of boys or girls in each row, we want the GCF (Greatest Common Factor) of 72 and 90. [URL='']Using our GCF calculator for GCF(72,90)[/URL], we get 18. [LIST] [*]72 boys divided by 18 = [B]4 rows of boys[/B] [*]90 girls divided by 18 = [B]5 rows of girls[/B] [/LIST]

X is the speed limit is a maximum 65 mph

X is the speed limit is a maximum 65 mph A maximum of means less than or equal to. Or, no more than. So we have the inequality: [B]X <= 65[/B]

You roll two six-sided dice. What is the probability that the sum is less than 13?

You roll two six-sided dice. What is the probability that the sum is less than 13? The probability is [B]1, or 100%[/B], since the maximum sum of two six-sided dice is 12.

The shortest person in a class is 55 inches tall and tallest person in that class is 75 inches tall

The shortest person in a class is 55 inches tall and tallest person in that class is 75 inches tall. write an absolute value equation that requires the minimum and maximum height. Use X to represent heights. We write our inequality as: [B]55 <= X <= 75[/B]
