Mark Ruffalos Catholic faith chilled early on because of hypocrisy, dogma

Posted by Valeria Galgano on Monday, May 13, 2024


Mark Ruffalo tweeted this photo this week with the message: “Men get breast cancer too. I’m supporting @One4TheBoys #InTheipOfTime.” So, it’s to raise awareness. We’re not supposed to think “Look at his beautiful furry chest, I would love to rest my head there.” Sigh… I would like to rest my head there though.

Anyway, Ruffalo is in another Oscar-bait film this year. It’s Spotlight, the true story of the Boston Globe’s investigation into the Catholic Church’s pedophile priests and the Boston establishment figures who helped cover up the priests’ crimes. As it turns out, Ruffalo was raised Catholic but he left the church years ago. He explained to People Mag:

Making Spotlight, the Tom McCarthy-directed movie about The Boston Globe’s investigation into the Catholic Church’s sex abuse scandal, was a deeply personal experience for star Mark Ruffalo. Ruffalo, who portrays reporter Michael Rezendes in the film, told reporters at Spotlight’s Boston premiere Wednesday night that he had friends who were victims of clergy abuse.

“I grew up Catholic and the hypocrisy of it and the dogma of it had chilled my relationship with it very early on,” he said. “Even as a boy, I could feel it. There was a cruelty in the way the nuns treated us. It just didn’t jibe with the teachings of Christ that were being taught, you know?”

[From People Magazine]

That People link has quotes from some of the real-life reporters who broke the story, and what surprises me is that most of them have similar stories, that they were lapsed Catholics at the time of the investigation, that they could never really go back to the Church after what they learned.

Also: Ruffalo has been confirmed for the new Thor: Ragnarok film, and while promoting Spotlight, he’s been getting questions about it. He said: “I don’t really know that much about it, but I think it’s going to be a buddy picture with Thor and Bruce Banner. I think they’ll probably fight. There’s no doubt, everyone wants us to fight at one point.”



Photos courtesy of WENN, Twitter.
