Sienna Miller wins record judgment against British papers for nude photos

Posted by Lashay Rain on Sunday, May 12, 2024

Remember those nude pictures of Sienna Miller? No, not one of the many times she was topless on the beach. No, not the ones where she’s topless in Vanity Fair or The Pirelli Calendar or Alfie or Factory Girl. The ones where she was entirely naked when in character as a hippie on the set of her film Hippie Hippie Shake. Miller wasn’t too happy about those photos, because while she routinely goes topless on public beaches, wears nip-baring clothing, and has no qualms about appearing naked on film or in magazines she objected to having someone take full frontal nude pictures of her while she was working.

Miller won a judgment of £37,500, around $76,083, plus legal costs from the company that owns papers the The Sun and News of the World, for invasion of privacy for publishing the pictures. It was thought to be the highest amount awarded for an invasion of privacy suit in Britain. The case against the paparazzo who took the photos is still pending:

Newsgroup, the Murdoch-owned subsidiary of News International which owns the tabloid newspapers, contributed to a payment of £37,500 plus legal costs along with the Xposure Photo Agency, settling the dispute after Miller sued for invasion of privacy following the pictures’ publication in October.

The payout is believed to be the biggest of its sort for an invasion of privacy. The companies have agreed not to republish any of the photographs and have agreed to delete all copies of them.

However, the Factory Girl and Layer Cake star is still suing the individual photographer, who took the pictures during filming of Hippie Hippie Shake. An application for a default judgement will be heard next month.

[From The Independent via Huffington Post]

I guess when you’re Sienna Miller and the only way you can make money is by appearing nude in just about every film you make, you have to protect your assets. In Sienna’s case she’s all too willing to bare her breasts for a little publicity, but if you want to get a glimpse of her landing strip you better shell out $10 to see it in the theater. Her shelf life is limited and she’s trying to extend her career as a nude actress as long as possible.

Sienna is shown at the London Film Festival on 10/18/07, thanks to PRPhotos.
